Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sorry about the absence. I've had a lack of internet on and off for the past 3 weeks or so.
Just a quick blog to share what God laid on my heart real heavy last night.

How precious it is, Lord, to realize that You are thinking about me constantly.”
-Psalm 139:17

Isn't that wonderful? I mean. He actually got my attention through a myspace survey.

"Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Jesus Christ is always thinking about me.

At first, I answered more out of habit or reflex than anything. It's a truth I'd always heard, but I'd never really read deeper into it.

Here's the thing though: He is THAT passionately in love with us, that we are ALWAYS on His mind, and on His heart. He's always sitting by the phone, waiting for us to call. I mean, its like when you're interested in someone romantically. You look forward to talking to them, to take any chances you can get to see them or to talk to them or whatever, you think about them and you hope they feel the same way, and that's probably not even real love! This is real, legitimate love in all of its glory, the love of Jesus Christ. Imagine how exponentially more powerful that is! Jesus Christ longs to have an intimate loving relationship with our heart. The God who created EVERYTHING. The timeless, perfect, holy Heavenly Father, loves YOU enough that you're always on His heart, on His mind. That's intense.

Kind of on the same note, a few months back a friend of mine posted a facebook status that she wasn't having a very good day, and I commented saying that I pray for joy and optimism in her life and heart. Shortly after, someone I didn't know responded saying that, "Jesus was a man of sorrows, and that's a fact. Welcome to being His friend." But really? Imagine your best friend in the whole world, or your spouse, or your child, whoever you love the most on this earth, was having a bad day. If you knew, would you not do whatever you could to try and make their day better? Doesn't Jesus love us so much more than we could love someone else on this planet? Why wouldn't He comfort us? Just sayin. :)

On that note, I bid thee farewell, friends. I pray for joy and blessings on your life and your heart this new year! :) <3