Friday, November 6, 2009

This post probably isn't going to be that long, and I probably won't have any scriptures, just because none are coming to mind right now for what I have to say.

"Ya know, it's weird, no matter how often I see with my own two eyes what God can do, and does do, I always seem to fall back into the same rut."
"I think the biggest thing is that people underestimate Satan, he's far more cunning than we can imagine."

-Conversation I had with Mattie Montgomery.

I say to you, my brothers and sisters, keep your guard up. Because the enemy is cunning, and he is ruthless. He will stop at nothing to bring you down.
And we're under the most attack when we're doing something right. He can't have that. He can't have people actually getting active and spreading the love of Christ. But all he needs to do is get you idle. And half the time you don't even notice it.

I spent all day today playing Prince of Persia. And every time I thought, "hey, I should get up and do something," something said "no, just one more save point, just one more, just one more." It's dangerous.

So build walls around your castles. Push them outwards against the camp of the enemy. Don't let him tear them down. Have heart, my friends.

"We will rise up, and we will stand prepared. And we will fearlessly defend this city, but we will not stand alone. Holy Spirit, fall, and breathe Your Life into us."
-For Today, "Ezekiel (The Visionary)"

This is my prayer for you, my friends. May the Holy Spirit strengthen and encourage you, guard and guide you. May the enemy be stopped dead in his tracks as he advances against you. In Jesus' name.

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