Tuesday, December 1, 2009

So I got a formspring, where anyone can go on and leave you a little message with a question that you can answer or whatever, and my first question was:

"what's ur opinion on gays, if ur so into Jesus."

My answer is probably going to be a decent blog length, so I decided to just post a blog about it and link them to this.

I want to preface my answer by saying a couple different things:
1) From when I was young until very recently, my mom chose a homosexual lifestyle.
2) I am more comfortable with my sexuality than almost any other guy I know, and am completely not homophobic.
3) Yes, I probably would be weirded out if a guy were to hit on me, but most of the time I'm weirded out when girls hit on me, too.

So the, "stop using God as a cover up for your disgust, you pig!" retaliation can't really apply. I am not disgusted by homosexuality.

So, let's do this I guess.

For starters, the Mosaic Law says:

"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

-Leviticus 20:13

That is the majority of Christians' first verse to say that homosexuality is wrong, but almost always is met with something along the lines of, "The Mosaic Law also says not to eat shellfish, or wear clothing woven of two fabrics, and it permits selling your daughter into slavery, etc." As I said in one of my other posts, to those whom are alive in Jesus Christ, the Mosaic Law is dead. But non-believers are still held accountable by the law. That sounds really crappy, but it's true. It's to show those who don't believe that they can't do it on their own, they need Christ. But that's all in a different blog. My point here is that if a Christian were to point out that part of the Mosaic Law to a non-believer, they can't retaliate with saying, "Well you don't follow all the laws!" Yes, I understand that if you don't share those beliefs, it doesn't really matter. But that's the Truth.

Moving on.

"18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."

Romans 1:18-27

And there it is. God doesn't like homosexuality. Do I like that fact? Of course not. It means that, by my own beliefs, some people I am very close to, who have played a huge part in my life, won't be spending eternity with me. It's heartbreaking, of course I don't like it. But it's not my choice what is and isn't okay.

And here's an age old question: is it a choice? A very close friend of mine, who is a lesbian, believes very firmly it is not. It's just how you are. But we are all slaves to sin before we accept Jesus Christ. That's just how we are, we can't help it. But I firmly believe that through Jesus Christ, if you want to change, He'll help you.

So there it is. I believe that living a homosexual lifestyle is an indication of the absence of Jesus Christ in your life, and Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Therefore, homosexuality leads to spiritual death. Do I like it? Of course not. I don't like that even a single person might not experience the joys of the Kingdom of Heaven, especially some of the people very close to me.

Anonymous formspringer, I hope that answered your question.

I feel like I left a lot unexplained but I'm tired. If there's anything you want me to expand on, or anything you can add on, leave a comment and I'll post a new blog about it later.


  1. You should know this about me:
    1-You've never met me. You have no idea who I am in the least.
    2-I'm a Christian. By that I mean that I accepted Jesus Christ's sacrifice and asked for his forgiveness, and I'm thankful for this every day.
    3-I'm the one who asked you this.
    4-I'm grateful that you answered it so thoroughly.

    I could take an hour to explain all this, but...
    Because of the road I was on spiritually up until about 18 months ago, there are so many things about God and faith and Truth that I don't understand, and that not only confuses me, but it stresses me out and upsets me...which I guess it should.
    Anyway, I was messing around, browsing tumblr sometime in the last few days and I saw your page and started following, because I saw what you posted about Jesus and straight edge and...I guess there have been a few people in my life that I /knew/ God put there to help set me straight on His path; you seemed like one of those people. I saw your post tonight and had to ask...probably because this is the number one thing that I'm so unsure about...well, one of many.
    Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to write this. When I started to write this comment, I had a question, but now I can't remember it, probably since it's 330am. So I guess this compliment is just a really roundabout thank you...

  2. shesings12, you are awesome. :]

    tyler, i love you man. i just had a conversation about this with tim the other night, i'll have to tell you about it sometime. its complicated and about homosexuality. :[ makes me sad that i dont understand it.

    keep it reallll.

  3. Haha, thanks?

    Since revisiting this at a time other than 330 am, I remember what I wanted to ask.

    What about homosexual/bisexual Christians? I mean, if homosexuality is an indication of an absence of the Lord in one's life, then what about all those people who have accepted Jesus as their Savior?

  4. @Your newest question:

    Please don't misunderstand, and please know that I'm not judging you.

    But along the same lines, what about all those people who have accepted Christ who are okay with sex outside of marriage? Isn't it still pretty clear in the scriptures that God isn't cool with that? It's all kind of the same thing.

    Honestly, there's a difference between accepting Christ and learning to let Christ live in your heart. I don't know the verse off the top of my head, but I think it's Paul that tells us that it is no longer us who lives, but Christ who lives through us. It's a growing process, and it's tough. I'm still nowhere near being able to say "this isn't me, this is Jesus." But as you let Christ take over your life, He can change your heart.

    I hope that helped.

  5. A few questions, hopefully to challenge you, not to assault.

    Why is Leviticus considered dead and not Romans?

    If God loves all as a father I ask that you put yourself in his shoes. Imagine you have a son who is a homosexual, and for the sake of this arguement, it isn't a choice. Can you truly love this son, yet still condemn him to a hell when he passes?

    If God disapproves of homosexuality, why does he do so? If it is to protect us, what is it protecting us from?

    also a more general question about the title of your blog, What is Christ freedom from?

    I assure you I mean no insult by my questions, I just seek to know what you believe, and possibly aid your spiritual journey by possibly challenging it.

  6. Hey Bryce! Sorry for the super long delay on that one.

    The laws in Leviticus are old covenant, while the teachings of Romans is under the new covenant. I have a previous blog about it if you'd like to understand that better.

    Imagine if you were a father, and you were constantly reaching out to your son, no matter what choices he was making, trying to reach out so you can truly be a father to him, but his whole life he shuns you and turns his back and tells you that you aren't worth his time or that you don't even exist. God gives us an opportunity to draw near to Him, and gives us a means of doing so through the cross, but if we totally ignore Him and turn our backs on the cross, He has to judge righteously. And if you don't accept the price that Jesus paid for you, you have to pay it yourself.

    I won't pretend to know God's reasons, so I can't answer for sure why He disapproves. Something for me to seek His heart on.

    Christ is freedom from a lot of things. Foremost in my mind are addictions, judgment, sin, and death itself. Christ broke our chains so that we could walk in freedom as residents of heaven.

    I totally understand where you're coming from, and no offense was taken. Hopefully I answered your questions, and if you have any more feel free to ask!

  7. To add to my answer about how God can judge His children:
    Scripture tells us that God, as well as a loving Father, is a righteous Judge. He judges truthfully and fairly, because that's just who God is.
    So then, compare it to if you go out to lunch with a friend. You sit down and you eat, and the time comes to get the check. Your friend says, "Here, let me get that for you." And you say, "Nah man, I can get it." You have to pay it. And your friend's still sitting there, "If you can't get it, I can pay for you." And if you don't accept his help, you have to pay your check. If you don't accept the price Christ paid for your iniquities, you have to pay the price for your own. Hope that made sense.
